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I wanted to share a short article I wrote for Pazarlamasyon in 2019, when I took a relatively early look at the Metaverse phenomenon, which is not lost on the tongue today, to remember it. I sincerely congratulate the agencies that act with similar insights, and I wish good luck to the agencies that say wait a minute, what is this metaverse?
We were established in 2019 with the claim that we are a new generation video agency. When we said that we are a structure that moves with the muscles of the startup and puts technology at our centre, we have had a lot in mind since that day... :)
Video Marketing in the Near Future // NOVEMBER 15/2019
Nowadays, everyone knows that video is a valuable communication tool. So how will video evolve in the near future? For it will affect our daily life and therefore our business lives, it will also bring some direct changes to the marketing strategies of brands.
The fact that the end-user gets closer to VR and thus its usage increases, will also trigger brands to produce more content in this area. Again, in the past period, the world-famous social media platform Facebook has rapidly continued to invest in this field by purchasing Oculus, one of the most advanced VR technologies. There is even a Facebook app as a VR experience within the Oculus VR Store. Here, unlike the usual Facebook interface, you experience "social network" in a 360 virtual reality. During the registration process, you first create an avatar that reflects you and your style in an interface that gamers are used to. This avatar is your reality on the VR Facebook platform. Instead of the Facebook homepage, you can see other online users in a city center similar to Athens square, and by requesting friendship, you can participate in double or group chat in a virtual environment of your choice, for example by choosing options such as sitting by the seaside, restaurant or a campfire. I'm sure everything sounds very fun and innovative so far. So where are the ads on Facebook? Of course, our advertising spaces continue here as well as in every part of our lives. Since we are now breaking away from 2D reality in this area and creating a new life center form in virtual reality, advertisements should be designed in this area. Our homepage, which we see as the city center, can now be thought of as an Istiklal Street and our 2D banner ads can now turn into gigantic "virtual billboards" here. You can already imagine this, but fear not, this transformation will be a little slower than you think.
Even though the use of VR technology is currently most widely used in America, but even there, it has not yet become widespread except in states with high economic prosperity and closeness to technology, such as Silicon Valley. Likewise, in Europe, there is a much lower rate of use at the moment. I do not think that it will reach widespread use in our country before at least 4-5 years. The biggest factor in this can be seen as the fact that the technology has not yet reached the sales prices that will be widely used. Until then, VR technologies will reach widespread use in B2B areas rather than B2C. For example, being able to visit the sample flat with VR tour without going to the flat in the real estate sector and without creating any operational costs; Currently, it is possible to examine the vehicle, which you cannot find in the colour and equipment you are looking for in the gallery where you go to buy a vehicle, by VR tour, and it will be used more widely as of next year. I can count countless examples of such industrial uses from every sector, and I can even mention how the VR experience is more interactive when used with interactive technologies, but the space allocated for the article will not be enough for this. But when you study technology and start thinking about how to integrate it into your field, I'm sure you will come to many similar ideas very quickly.
Doğan Baran Kurtoğlu
Co-Founder & CEO | Volans Video Agency
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