3 Video Content Types That Shine Out on Social Media

3 Video Content Types That Shine Out on Social Media

  • 08.17.2022 330 Liked
Social media areas, where interaction is very high, are now an indispensable part of our lives and, of course, a giant playground for advertisers, brands, corporations and, institutions.

Social media areas, where interaction is very high, are now an indispensable part of our lives and, of course, a giant playground for advertisers. Social media channels that remove boundaries such as place and time have become the areas where brands can communicate most effectively with their target audiences. As advertisers realized the potential in these channels, they started to shape their advertising strategies in line with these channels. Brands carried out effective marketing processes by creating explainer videos, corporate promotional videos, success story videos, how-to videos, customer experience videos and micro-video content in accordance with their needs and consumer expectations.

Why Are Brands Prefer Video Content?

Video content has gained a place in every field today and is one of the trendiest contents of our age, which we are exposed to with individual or brand shares. Of course, new media channels have a big share in the fact that videos are much-preferred content. In addition to the YouTube platform, which we all know has been in our lives since 2005, new channels such as Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat, where video sharing is dominant, have entered our lives. The number of people who are not active in one of these channels is almost negligible. One of the important questions here is: "Why do people turn to video content, why do they want to watch videos instead of written or static images?". First of all, not examining these questions will lead us to more accurate inferences.


Video content is more effective than static images. Thanks to its visual and auditory elements, it allows people to obtain information with less effort. In addition to gaining information, even for entertainment purposes, people tend to video content because they waste less time. From the point of view of the brand, it enables the target audience, existing customers, or potential customers to spend more quality time in the videos published by the brand and to be satisfied with the video content. In other words, it can be very effective in terms of customer satisfaction.

Realize Active Video Communication with Micro Video Contents!

Micro-video content is video content that usually lasts 15 or 30 seconds, prepared to make your brand's communication sustainable on social media. Micro-video content can be used as supporting content. Or micro-video content can be prepared for religious and national holidays or special days. It allows you to take an active role in social media and to share your content with trendy content such as videos. Always be in the spotlight with micro video content, especially on social media where content flow is very intense.

Many studies indicate that the time people watch videos is decreasing day by day and people generally do not prefer to watch long video content unless they must. The fact that short videos such as micro-video content that are descriptive and that can express the subject in both visual and auditory terms are preferred for both entertainment and information purposes show that brands should also turn to these contents. Considering that most people are actively involved in at least one social media, it becomes important to produce and share micro-video content to gain visibility and increase awareness.

Produce Informative Content for Your Product and Service with Explainer Videos!

Product and service promotion is one of the necessary processes for every brand. Brands carry out effective marketing processes by promoting their products or services, and of course, this positively affects sales. The factors to be considered while performing the marketing processes are present in these processes as in every other subject. It is necessary to care about customer trends and consumer expectations and to produce content because of certain analyzes or surveys. For example, according to Wyzowl Video Marketing 2022 statistics; 96% of people say they watch an explainer video to learn more about a product or service. The results of the survey also show that it is of great importance to produce video content to create understandable content.

Explainer videos that directly affect the purchase decision are content that help creates more understandable content and easily convey products or services to your target audience. Visibility can be increased in a short time by taking place on social media channels with explainer videos. By producing these valuable contents in terms of brand awareness as well as products and services, brands can gain a solid place for themselves.

Stay Visible with Promotional Videos That Increase Your Awareness!

Awareness is one of the most important elements for each brand. Increasing awareness and being visible in channels also affect sales and marketing processes and provide great benefits. Brands that follow the trends are now turning to a more effective tool, namely videos, in their communication efforts and expressing that their earnings have increased.

Promotional activities are very effective in gaining awareness. The increase in the density of video content, especially in social media channels, has made users prefer video content more. Brands should take an active role in social media by preparing corporate promotional videos or product or service promotional videos in which they can express themselves. With the help of a single tag, it seems very easy for promotional videos to appear in the Instagram explore area or to stand out through a related search or advertisement on YouTube.

Share Videos Simultaneously on Social Media with the Marketing Bundle!

Video content has a huge impact on social media. Making the most effective use of video content and evaluating every content prepared in the most accurate way is of great importance in the age of speed we live in. It is necessary to diversify the video content according to the subject, to create content for religious or national holidays or special days, as well as marketing-oriented content such as products, brands, and services. Such supportive content has a great impact to be active in social media and to be at the forefront of the content flow.

To get the most out of every video content prepared, it is important to diversify technically. It is necessary to adapt content specifically to all channels where the brand is active, without limiting it to only square or horizontal scales. Volans Marketing Bundle provides square, horizontal, or vertical versions of all your video content with different duration options of "59, 30, 15 and 6" seconds. Considering the time spent in the video, it may be necessary to prepare 30-second versions to reach the target audience more quickly. To increase sales and manage an efficient marketing process, it is important to prepare 15 and 6-second versions of the product promotion video. Releasing these contents as advertisements on YouTube and Instagram on horizontal and vertical scales will enable us to reach the target audience in a short time.

Don't Avoid Professional Support for Quality Video Content!

It is of course possible to stand out on social media channels with different types of video content. However, it is very important for the brand image that the video content has gone through quality production processes. For this reason, it is necessary to get professional support from experienced video agencies.

Volans Video Agency provides professional service to many global and local well-known brands for all stages of video. You can contact Volans to produce quality content and achieve successful results.

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