Team Genius
There is Hope
Customer: Team Genius
There is hope if you exist! Hard days will end, good days will come back! We will have hope as we stay at home!
The UmutVar video we prepared for Team Genius is online!
Micro-video content is an effective type that can produce various videos thanks to its wide scope. It allows brands to find desktop solutions for video communication. The sharing and fast-spreading power of video are some of the biggest factors in the preference of video content by brands. This power is one of the biggest factors in reaching both the target audience and potential customers of the content prepared by the brand. Every content prepared to keep product, service narration or video communication active gives the opportunity to strengthen the relationship between the brand and the customer. These contents allow increasing brand awareness. They can be prepared using 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional images, stock images, or video shooting. These contents, which can be made quickly, provide to make video content in a short time. It is very important in terms of ensuring continuity, especially in an age where video content is frequently preferred and consumed quickly. It is more visible than verbal content allows the audience to have a more enjoyable time.
As Volans Video Agency, we preferred our micro-video content product for the Team Genius family. We held pre-production meetings with our brand and got the necessary information. In line with the information received, we completed the creative processes such as scenario, mood board, storyboard, and animation. We have prepared our micro-video content that includes sincere videos of the Team Genius family, which told that hope always exists.