Google Partners
Digital Champions
Customer: Google Partners
Google Partners' online training and development programs continue!
Here is what we have compiled for you from the webinar where we collaborate with Google Dublin and Cogs & Marvel and undertake video planning, production, and sharing!
Micro-video content is one of the most effective ways to actively maintain video communication. The fact that there is no subject limit and that it can be prepared faster are effective factors in the preference reasons of the brands. The easy scalability of the video to all social media channels and the speed of sharing makes the need for video more valuable day by day. One of the most important facts created by this speed is that the video can be consumed quickly. For this reason, it is necessary to keep actively video communication to constantly stand out and always be visible on social media channels. It is necessary to diversify video content and keep in touch with the target audience. It is possible to turn any content owned by institutions, organizations, or brands into micro-content video. It can be prepared by placing graphic attachments on video shoots or it prepared by 2D, 3D visual elements. The important thing here is to know the subject of the content well and to arrange all the elements in the video in harmony with each other. For this reason, getting professional support at all stages of the video will ensure successful results.
As Volans Video Agency, we preferred our micro-video content product for our content, which will include sections from the Google Partners Digital Champions training. We obtained the necessary information by holding pre-production meetings with our brand. We have completed our micro-video content, which includes sections from training moments, animation visual elements, graphics, and typographic attachments.