Virtual Event Method by the New World Order

Virtual Event Method by the New World Order

  • 05.03.2021 226 Liked
Increasing the quality of internet infrastructure and developed technological tools have created digital environments where people can come together.

Events are one of the effective ways you can promote your brand or your institution's identity, product, or service. Events, which are the meeting point of the brand and the customer, can offer great opportunities for networking and new partnerships. Especially, it provides positive thoughts in the minds of your customers and business partners and increases your brand awareness easily.

It is known that the new world order, which is formed with the opportunities offered by technological developments, affects the way the events are organized. Increasing the quality of internet infrastructure and constantly developed technological tools have created digital environments where people can come together. One of the possibilities offered by these areas is to organize virtual events. Virtual events are one of the methods preferred by many institutions and brands around the world. The advantages it offers in matters such as time and space make it frequently preferred. It gives the freedom to reach brands and institutions online from anywhere, at specified times. This method, which has been preferred by most international brands and organizations in recent years, has increased the preference rates by the covid-19 pandemic, which is effective all over the world, and it is thought that these rates will increase even more.

What is Virtual Event?

The virtual event; refers to the realization of organizations with a product, service presentation, or content such as a conference, seminar, meeting with a certain number of participants in a virtual environment instead of a physical space, using an online meeting channel. It is to reach thousands of people through online meeting channels such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Google Hangout, Hopin, together with all components such as participants, and speakers. Factors such as studio recordings, live connections, and stage designs make virtual events more effective.


The most important supporters of virtual events are the video contents included in the events. An experienced video production team is required for the 3D virtual stage design, videos at the beginning and the end of the event, live broadcast support, recording and broadcasting speaker, and panelist recordings. Transition videos and generic videos are also indispensable for a successful virtual event.

A Method That Can Be Used Out for Every Sector, Virtual Event

Virtual events can be organized for all sectors. It is possible to organize it for education, medicine, technology, media, food, clothing, and all sectors and organizations you can think of. Many events such as seminars, congresses, meetings, conferences, company training, meetings, product promotions, and concerts you plan to organize can be carried out in a virtual environment.

In recent years, global technology brands have been promoting a new product to the market, organizing virtual events, and easily reach their customers all over the world. It enables the customer to learn the information about the product through the narration of the brand itself, thus increasing the sense of trust between the customer and the brand. Virtual events, which enable brands to participate in business partners as well as their customers, are one of the factors that increase brand value. It allows the customer to be invited to the event by the brand whose products or services they prefer. In this way, the customer feels valued and the emotional bond that the customer has with the brand is strengthened.


Sectors such as the health sector, education, technology, and corporate companies regularly organize events at certain times every year. These events with various contents such as vocational training, conferences, seminars, dealer or council meetings are of great importance for institutions. However, the measures brought by the covid pandemic, which is effective all over the world, prevent the use of physical space. For this reason, organizations turn to alternatives such as postponing these events to another date. However, delaying or canceling the activities may cause problems in the future, in terms of timing and interruption of training. Therefore, the most logical way is seen as organizing the virtual events. Virtual events are the most effective solution in cases where there are problems in time and space as well as in the epidemic period. Especially if you have many participants but the physical conditions are insufficient, the virtual event can be your savior. Or it enables the easy realization of events such as meetings and seminars that do not match the calendar of your participants in a virtual environment.

Reach Anyone from Anywhere with Virtual Events!

Virtual events allow you to invite as many participants as you want. Regardless of your location, it provides easy access if you have sufficient infrastructure support. But the most important point here is that the participants are aware of your event and that they adjust their schedule to suit the event. It is a way to notify the participants by sending an e-mail, but it is possible that the event will be forgotten, considering that dozens of emails come to your participants every day. For this reason, you need to determine an effective and catchy method when announcing your event. Video is one of the most effective ways to announcing anything. Preparing an impressive promotional video with details such as the time, the online channel you will use, and the guests about your event and sharing it on the social media channels you have will make your event easy to hear. Desktop video or explainer video to be prepared about your virtual events; It can be prepared as a 2d animation as it can be from your previous events. The important thing is that your video is prepared by an impressive and professional person.

Saving on Time by Virtual Events!

One of the biggest advantages of virtual events is that they save a lot of time. It allows you to realize it faster than the event you will organize in a certain place. It eliminates all time-consuming preparation processes such as transportation to the venue, arrangement of the event area, and planning the accommodation areas of the participants. Your space becomes ready by a virtual stage design in 3D or a background design befit for your corporate identity. Thanks to the freedom to participate in the virtual event from anywhere, it allows you to participate with a single click without requiring any extra effort from your workplace or home. By the remote shooting method, speakers and panelists are shot in advance, and it is broadcast during the event. This is an important method that eliminates time problems. This gives you extra time in your business plan or daily plan. Because for the event organized in a real venue, you need to take time from your daily plans and preparation processes. However, virtual events eliminate these processes and save you time. If you are having problems with time and physical areas and cannot reach the required number of participants due to the pandemic, organizing a virtual event will be the right choice. Using the technological opportunities brought by the new world order will also help your brand show its innovative vision.

Take Your Virtual Event to the Top with Professional Support!

If you have plans to organize your events in a virtual environment, you should know the points you need to pay attention to. The fact that virtual events can be performed more easily than a normal organization can often be misleading. First of all, you need to prepare in the technical, so getting support from professional people in the field will be effective in having a quality event process. The creative support you will receive is also very important for your virtual events to be effective, just like the events you carry out in a physical space. Achieving the purpose of the event is generally related to the satisfaction of the participants, so all processes of the event, from the event announcement to the stage design, should proceed in a controlled manner. While the announcement prepared with a creative perspective increases the interest in the event, the virtual stage design prepared for the event will be effective for the participants. For this reason, the care you take in your virtual events will also reflect your vision as a brand, institution, or organization.

Volans Video Agency ensures the successful completion of your event process with its professional staff and state-of-the-art equipment. Required for your virtual events; The studio manages all video processes such as 3D virtual stage design, speaker recording, event announcement, transition videos, and live broadcast service from start to finish. You can contact Volans Video Agency immediately to make your communication sustainable, to spread your innovative and visionary brand perspective to all channels of communication, and to experience the perfect virtual event experience.

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