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3D animation means animating 3D visuals. This expression, which includes two different techniques, includes dimension and animation. Before coming to the animation phase, the images to be used in the content must be sized and made 3D. After this stage, the animation process can be started. This animation technique, which allows video agencies to create the most realistic images, facilitates the business processes of many different sectors and offers great advantages to marketing processes.
What is Animation?
Although the animation, which we have heard frequently recently, is considered as a cartoon in the first impression, it provides numerous benefits to many different sectors for marketing and business processes. But before that, explaining the question "What is animation?" will be effective in removing the confusion in your mind.
The animation basically means animating a static image. Before technological developments and innovations, animation technique was done manually. This process, which is called traditional animation, is a technique that makes the viewer feel that there is a movement by showing the drawings containing different movements one after the other. This technique has led to the formation of creative content and different techniques with the influence of technological developments. Animation videos, which have different production methods as 2D animation and 3D animation, have become an important part of the advertising processes as well as the entertainment industry.
How to Make 3D Animation?
3D animation video is prepared with various computer software. However, before the animation phase, the model of the images in a 3-dimensional universe must be prepared. It is possible to prepare the contents designed by engineers or graphic design artists by different methods. The first method is the one that identifies with the real object completely prepared on the computer in every respect. The other is the process of scanning real objects and transferring them to the computer.
3D visuals should not be thought of only as geometric modelling. It is very important in terms of credibility that it reflects the real object in terms of texture, color, and image. The 3D visual, which is modelled in the most appropriate way is ready to move on to the next stage, the animation stage. But the content of the image modelled before the animation stage is also important. While images with skeletal systems such as humans and animals have different dynamics, the animation of a machine has different dynamics. Therefore, it is necessary to be careful in modelling processes.
The final stage is the conversion of modeled and animated 3D images into a video content, that is, a 3D animation video. This stage, which is defined as rendering, is the collection of separate scenes in a single content. This process may take time depending on the size and length of the content. However, it is certain that the resulting 3D animation videos will provide benefits for both the customers and the video agency that produces the content.
What are the Differences Between 2D Animation and 3D Animation Video?
2D animation videos are content that reflects the image of objects in 2D planes. 3D animation videos, on the other hand, are the video contents where we see the objects modelled and animated in the closest way to the real-life image. Considering the technical differences, it is sufficient to define 2D and 3D animation in this way. However, the target audience of the technique, in which areas it can be used, and its budget are also determinative about the differences between them.
2D animation video and 3D animation video have certain differences in terms of both technical and other factors. For video content to achieve the most accurate results, it is important to consider the differences between both types. For this reason, brands should get consultancy services from the video agencies they cooperate with and determine the animation technique they need before proceeding to the production stage. Every support gets from the video agency in the video production processes will ensure the effective progress of the marketing strategies of the brands.
Which Sector Can Prefer 3D Animation Videos?
Many different sectors prefer animation videos in their marketing processes. In addition, to live-action videos that positively support the brand image such as corporate promotion videos, success story videos and testimonial videos, video solutions may be required to meet different needs. Explainer videos that can be prepared for product explanations or how-to videos produced to facilitate the user experience can be given as examples of these needs.
3D animation video is the content that can be preferred by all brands serving in the engineering, real estate, architecture, medicine, education, construction, game, and entertainment sectors. It offers great advantages to brands, especially when it comes to explaining products and services that are not possible to shoot. It is possible to prepare 3D animation videos for machine assemblies, unfinished physical areas or products that cannot be shot. In addition, 3D animations can be produced for content that will make virtual tours more effective. This new video product, called 3D laser virtual tour videos, offers benefits not only to the marketing processes of brands but also to projects carried out in-house or in different collaborations. It provides the opportunity to have an effective process thanks to 3D models that can be inserted into the video and interactive plug-ins that provide opportunities such as taking notes in the project.
Why Should Brands Include 3D Animation Videos in Their Marketing Strategies?
Brands, institutions, or corporations must include different advertising content in their annual or periodic planning to carry out their marketing processes effectively. With the increase in social media channels in recent years, brands that have proven their effective power of video have also started to prefer video content in their strategies to evaluate this power and to have an effective marketing process.
While producing video content, factors such as the sector in which the brands are located and the audience, they appeal to are some of the determining factors in video content production methods. Brands that need help in this regard can determine their video needs in the most accurate way by getting consultancy support from video agencies. Because brands serving in the field of software may need different video content, while brands providing services in the field of machinery may need different content. It is especially important for brands that take steps towards digitalization and shape their plans within the framework of this mission to use innovative video solutions such as 3D animation videos.
It may not be possible to shoot videos of every product or service owned by the brands. Written contents may also be insufficient to describe these products. At this stage, brands can reach their sales targets in a short time by preparing 3D animation videos with the support of video agencies. 3D animation videos, which provide great benefits in terms of customer experience as well as sales targets, allow the bond between the brand and the customer to be strengthened.
Show Your Brand Vision with Innovative 3D Videos
3D animation videos are the content that turns the most realistic designs into meaningfully fictionalized content. These contents, which are a good opportunity for brands to show their creative and innovative side, also allow them to stand out in the sector. Brands in the process of digitalization can easily show their vision to both the sector and the target audience by benefiting from the unlimited world of 3D animation videos.
Get Professional Support for Your Animation Video Content!
Video is one of the important marketing contents that needs to be progressed with a professional attitude both in the preparation and production stages. It is very important to get support from video agencies for all video content that reflects your brands, such as 3D animation video, 2D animation video, or 3D laser virtual tour videos.
Volans Video Agency provides professional video agency services to global and local well-known brands in all processes such as consultancy, creativity, production, post-production required for video production. You can contact Volans for 3D animation videos and all quality video content.